DS/DM The method

Do you want to learn the language and logic of your own body?

Double Skin/Double Mind (DS/DM) is the dance method of Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten. You discover the sensitivity of your body through the basic principles of Breathing, Jumping, Expanding and Reducing. You need the sensitivity for the possibilities that arise from your body when creating choreographic material. The method is therefore the basis of all performances by Greco and Scholten.

"DS/DM is a way of preparing the body for dance that is inherent to your thinking and your imagination. It needs a connection with your own choices, also during the improvisation with other elements and choreographic materials. The experience creates a condition and an opening, it is not something fixed by rules that say: this is how you should dance. It is rather the opposite, you use it, and then you contrast it in an open field of intervention and manipulation".

- Emio Greco-

We offer the DS/DM method in master classes, training courses and workshops for professionals and amateurs. With the DS/DM method you achieve a new physical and mental awareness in which intention and form coincide. DS/DM also gives you insight into the artistic work of the choreographers.

Double Skin/Double Mind was created in 1997. Greco and Scholten were asked to give a workshop during the International Tanzwochen in Vienna. The request raised crucial questions. What is the essence of our work? What is a workshop? And: How do you transfer a dance language based on intuition to another?

The Double Skin/Double Mind method that came into being is now being taught worldwide, used as daily dance training and as preparation in creative processes. Transfer, the fifth principle of the workshop, offers room for reflection and for the transfer of the repertoire of Greco and Scholten. The method is essential in the transfer to our own dancers, in education, in the lessons to dance students and amateur dancers, and recently also to school children, and to managers and employees in the business world.  

DS/DM is an important source for our research projects with national and international partners, such as Capturing Intention (2009), Inside Movement Knowledge (2010) and Choreographic Coding Labs (2017). The Sensorium Toolkit for Dance, a teaching method for children, launched in 2017, is also based on DS/DM.

< Click here for the Agenda DS/DM classes >
