Movement Research Lab

With the Movement Research Labs, ICK-Artist Space and ICK-Academy provide space for deepening and exchange for makers and dancers with a shared focus on unique and universal languages of the dancing body. Starting points are the individual questions and researches of the participating artists to further develop their own movement signature, supported by both the ICK research on dance documentation, (an)notation and knowledge transfer, and a lecture by Professor Scott deLahunta on verbal and bodily understanding in the work of internationally renowned choreographers such as Bill Forsythe, Wayne McGregor, Emio Greco|PC and Deborah Hay.
On 4 November 2022, we held a first informal presentation of "research in progress" by the participating artists of the first edition of the Movement Research Labs from 31 October to 4 November 2022. The group included the following dancers and makers: Gerben Vaillant, Alexandre Goyer, Vincent Colomes, Charles Pas, Jim Buskens, Ainhoa Hernández Escudero, Romy Stark, Šuka Horn and Roshanak Morrowatian.

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Suzy Blok
Suzy Blok
