
Can the dancing body speak?

The ABCdaire is a living archive with words, definitions, descriptions, categories, metaphors and images from more than twenty years of notation research into the dance language of Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten

The ABCdaire now consists of 200 alphabetically arranged terms that are divided into different categories: basic, workshop, Pre-Choreographic Elements, statements, mechanism. 

You consult the ABCdaire when reviving existing repertoire, when researching new movements, when transferring knowledge to future generations of dancers and to inspire dancers and choreographers in training and at ICK Artist Space.  Thanks to its systematic categorisation, the ABCdaire can also be used for the (an)notation of creative processes. ABCdaire is also the starting point for interdisciplinary dialogues with creative coders, philosophers, neuroscientists, linguists, art and performance theorists, visual artists and composers.

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